This package 'User Licensing tools' is designed to protect products by binding the product to the hardwareID by using licenses based on RSA keys

The package is included in itself

- An example of embedding a license check in the application code (game)

- license generation interface





An example of embedding a license check in the application code (game)


class LicenseValidate Is an auxiliary class of work with RSA keys for verifying the signature

Basic methods

internal static bool LicenseVerify(string sign_text, string open_key, string hardware_id)

internal static bool SignVerify(string sign_text, string open_key)

internal static string GetBase64TextFromLicense(string sign_text)



class LicenseValidateTools Realizes license validation based on hardware_id

Basic methods

internal static bool LicenseVerify() - Verify current user license

internal static string LicenseKey - Set and get User license key



License generation interface


class LicenseGenerator Implements the functions of signing and generating RSA keys

Basic methods

internal static string Sign(string text, string close_key) - RSA Sign function

internal static bool RSAKeysGenerate(int len, out string open_key, out string close_key) - RSA Keys Generate


class LicenseGeneratorUITools Realizes high-level functions of work with licenses

Basic methods

internal static void UpdateRSAKeys(bool re_create=false) - Generate RSA keys if no exist

internal static string MakeLicense(string hardware_id, string comment) - MakeLicense and save in folder /AllLicenses

internal static List<LicenseInfo> GetLicenseList() - Return all generated licenses

internal static string CloseKey - Get or set RSA Close key

internal static string OpenKey - Get or set RSA Open key



class LicenseGeneratorUI Implements an example of a user interface for working with licenses: "Window/DevXUnityTools-Licenses"

Basic methods

internal static void LicenseGeneratorShow() - Show License Generator Tab page

void OnGUI() - Main GUI
