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The Demo versions will allow you partial functionality in order to assess the application for your needs.

Full details on pricing and licensing can be found here. Should you require further information or support, please don't hesitate to contact us on the following e-mail:

Antiviruses can report a suspicion of a trojan,
but this is a false positive, because it uses intrusion protection with encryption code and loading the program into memory.
For verification, use online services that are checked on a large number of anti-viruses. It will be more objective.

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DevX-GameRecovery (MagicStudio, GameModding, RePacker, Unpacker): 

Current version 12.11

ver 12.11 (2024/01/23)
- Fixed parse Sprite (for Sprite that reference to SpriteAtlas)

ver 12.10 (2024/01/23)
- Add Import settings: "Custom Unity Version for empty version bundles and assets"
- Implemented a workaround for the problem when opening Assets files with the Unity version specified in the bundle to: 0.0.0 - by automatically replacing it with the correct version
- Fixed critical error on Mesh parsing (for new unity versons)

ver 12.09 (2024/01/21)
- Fixed replace Crunched images
- Implemented a workaround for the problem when opening Bundle files with the Unity version specified in the bundle to: 0.0.0 - by automatically replacing it with the correct version

Change log..