DevX-GameRecovery (MagicStudio, GameModding, RePacker, Unpacker): Current version 12.11
ver 12.11 (2024/01/23)- Fixed parse Sprite (for Sprite that reference to SpriteAtlas)ver 12.10 (2024/01/23)- Add Import settings: "Custom Unity Version for empty version bundles and assets"- Implemented a workaround for the problem when opening Assets files with the Unity version specified in the bundle to: 0.0.0 - by automatically replacing it with the correct version- Fixed critical error on Mesh parsing (for new unity versons)ver 12.09 (2024/01/21)- Fixed replace Crunched images- Implemented a workaround for the problem when opening Bundle files with the Unity version specified in the bundle to: 0.0.0 - by automatically replacing it with the correct version
Change log..