DevX-GameRecovery (MagicStudio, GameModding, RePacker, Unpacker): Current version 12.15
ver 12.15 (2024/02/04)- Add to: Hex RAW->Open binary analyzer: Auto generate asset stucture loader code (DevX C-Analyzer)- Add: Auto-make C# source code (ScriptableObject) from matada for bundles without code for export to unity editor (asset file+script)- Fixed bug with Debug console- Fixed replace Crunched texturesver 12.14 (2024/01/28)- Fixed: show Bundle information on tree and group asset to bundle (if disable Group resources option)- Fixed: Repack Texture2Dver 12.13 (2024/01/28)- Add import setings: Open to edit resources (you need to enable the option if you want to change the contents of the game)- Add import setings: Fix bundle CRC on repack (you need to enable the option if you want the CRC32 to remain the same when changing the contents of the Bundle)- Fixed: show Bundle information on tree and group asset to bundle (if disable Group resources option)- Fixed critical error (crash programm): Decompress Crunched Cubemap- Added support for exporting Cubemap as a single texture, vertically expanded (6 textures in one)- Fixed critical error (crash programm on export unity project): For Online verson ver 12.12 (2024/01/25)- Fixed critical error on open games with .NET DLL- Fixed critical error: Crash on open assets (12.11)ver 12.11 (2024/01/23)- Fixed parse Sprite (for Sprite that reference to SpriteAtlas) Change log..